At Studio C you decide whether you want to use a strippenkaart or a subscription. A strippenkaart offers more flexibility, but when you’re planning to come regularly/weekly, a subscription is a more economical option.
Choosing the subscription that suits your needs depends on het type of classes you want to attend, as well as the period of time you want to commit yourself to. There are 7 different types of subscriptions:
- one mat- or barre class per week
- two mat- or barre classes per week
- one reformer class per week
- two reformer classes per week
- one reformer + one mat- or barre les per week
- two reformer classes + one mat class per week
Once you have decided which subscription best suits your needs, you choose the duration. The longer the duration, the lower the monthly fee. With 6 different types of subscriptions, and durations of either 3 or 6 months, we offer a total of 12 different subscriptions. Please find an overview here Struggling to make a decision? We’re happy to advise!
No one likes to be unpleasantly surprised later on, so before you commit to a subscription, please keep our general conditions in mind:
- Your subscription starts immediately, so if you have a strippenkaart that is still valid, finish that first. When you’d like to start your subscription in a couple of weeks time, please adjust the starting date when you buy your subscription. In case you had just purchased a strippenkaart but would like to convert it to a subscription, please get in touch and we’ll arrange that for you.
- With the purchase of a subscription you enter into a payment obligation. You can choose whether you want the monthly costs to be debited from your checking account or from your credit card. If a monthly payment is refused by your bank (for example due to insufficient balance), you still have a payment obligation to Studio C for that month.
- With subscriptions types 1 and 3 above, you can book one class per week. The week runs from Monday to Sunday. If the week is over and you have not booked your lesson(s), you can not make up for them the following week. If you cancel a reservation on time, you can make a new reservation for that same week (no later than Sunday). If you cancel too late, you will not be able to make up for the lesson. From January 1st 2023 the cancellation period for mat, barre- and reformer classes is 24 hours in advance.
- With subscriptions types 2, 4 and 5 above, you can book two classes per week. The week runs from Monday to Sunday. If the week is over and you have not booked your lesson(s), you can not make up for them the following week. If you cancel a reservation on time, you can make a new reservation for that same week (no later than Sunday). If you cancel too late, you will not be able to make up for the lesson. From January 1st 2023 the cancellation period for mat, barre- and reformer classes is 24 hours in advance.
- With subscription type 6 above, you can book three classes per week. The week runs from Monday to Sunday. If the week is over and you have not booked all of your lesson(s), you can not make up for them the following week. If you cancel a reservation on time, you can make a new reservation for that same week (no later than Sunday). If you cancel too late, you will not be able to make up for the lesson. From January 1st 2023 the cancellation period for mat, barre- and reformer classes is 24 hours in advance.
- You cannot terminate your subscription early or transfer it to someone else. Only if you are unable to attend classes for more than three weeks due to (serious) illness, injury or family circumstances, you can request the studio to pause your subscription. The studio is not obligated to honor your request. Your subscription can be paused for a maximum of 4 months, after which both the subscription as well as the associated payment obligation will be resumed. You can only request to pause a subscription for a period in the future and not afterwards or with retroactive effect.
- Subscriptions can also be paused at the studio’s initiative. This happens when (due to illness of the instructor, vacation or government regulations), no classes are provided for more than 4 days in a row.
- The studio is always closed for at least 3 weeks during the summer holidays, during which time all subscriptions are paused. During the Christmas holidays, the studio will be closed from Christmas Eve to January 1, and all subscriptions will be paused then as well.
- In case you have registered for a class and that class is canceled (for example due to illness of the instructor or because you are the only participant) and you are unable to book another lesson that week, you can let us know by email or whatsapp and the value of that class credit wil be deducted from your subscription fee (please read more about this under ‘class registration’).
Whether it is best to choose a strippenkaart or a subscription depends on your flexibility. If you are flexible and book a class on a Sunday morning this week and then Wednesday evening the week after, and you are committed to come at least once a week, you’ll get the best deal with a subscription. If you have a fixed and busy schedule and are only available on Tuesday evenings at 20:30 and can never make it any other time, or you are too busy one week and want to come more often the next week, a strippenkaart is more suitable.
A calculation example: both with a strippenkaart of 10 classes and a subscription for 3 months, you intend to regularly visit Studio C over a period of 13 to 14 weeks. If you think you will certainly succeed in coming every week during those 3 months, a subscription more economical. You pay 3x €47,50 = €142,50 for 13 lessons, which comes down to €10.96 per lesson. But if you already know that no two weeks are the same for you and you won’t be coming every week, then a strippenkaart of 10 lessons a better idea. You pay €12.50 per lesson, but you have 14 weeks to finish your class credit. If that is not possible due to unforeseen circumstances, you can extend a strippenkaart once for another 2 weeks for a fee (more about the fee below).
- Strippenkaarten have a limited validity. If the strippenkaart is about to expire, you can extend the validity once by 2 weeks against payment. The cost of this extension is €5 for a strippenkaart for mat- and barre classes and €7.50 for a reformer- or combination strippenkaart. If your card is about to expire and you still have class credit left, you can also make up for your lessons by coming more often. Once the validity of a strippenkaart has expired, the class credit can no longer be used.
- The validity of strippenkaarten starts on the date of the first booking. Please note, once you have booked your first classes (e.g. on June 5th and 12th), the starting date of your strippenkaart is now fixed. For technical reasons Bsport won’t allow you to book any classes before the 5th of June now. The only way to solve this is to cancel all of your bookings and start again, with the first booking first. We are hoping that Bsport will solve this in the future, but for now, this is it unfortunately.
- Once purchased, strippenkaarten cannot be returned/refunded. Strippenkaarten are also not transferable to someone else.
- Only if you are unable to attend classes for more than three weeks due to (serious) illness, injury or family circumstances, you can request the studio to convert your remaining classes into a credit. The studio is not obligated to honor your request. When you resume your lessons, you can use this credit as a discount on the purchase of a new strippenkaart or subscription. The credit will not be paid out, is not transferable to someone else and will expire after 6 months.
- Strippenkaarten can also be extended at the studio’s initiative. This happens when (due to illness of an instructor, vacation or government regulations) no lessons are provided for more than 4 days in a row and/or when so many lessons are canceled in a week that there is insufficient opportunity to took classes.
- The studio is closed for at least 3 weeks during the summer holidays and during that period the validity of all strippenkaarten are extended accordingly. During the Christmas holidays, the studio is closed from Christmas Eve to January 1, and all strippenkaarten will be extended then as well.
- Have you registered for a lesson and that lesson is canceled (for example due to illness or because you are the only participant) and are you no longer able to book another lesson that week? Then you can let us know by mail or whatsapp and your strippenkaart will be extended by one week.
- Please note: if a strippenkaart remains unused, it will automatically loose it’s validity 365 after purchase.
Please find all prices in the overview below. Please note: the price per class with a subscription seems low, but is only applicable when you attend a class every single week.
price per class | |||
single mat- or barre class | € 14,00 | per strippenkaart | € 14,00 |
5 mat- or barre classes in 7 weeks | € 65,00 | per strippenkaart | € 13,00 |
10 mat- or barre classes in 14 weeks | € 125,00 | per strippenkaart | € 12,50 |
10 mat- or barre classes in 7 weeks | € 115,00 | per strippenkaart | € 11,50 |
mat- or barre subscription 3 months (1x per week) | € 47,50 | per month | € 10,96 |
mat- or barre subscription 6 months (1x per week) | € 45,00 | per month | € 10,38 |
mat- or barre subscription 12 months (1x per week) | € 42,50 | per month | € 9,81 |
mat- or barre subscription 3 months (2x per week) | € 90,00 | per month | € 10,38 |
mat- or barre subscription 6 months (2x per week) | € 87,50 | per month | € 10,10 |
mat- or barre subscription 12 months (2x per week) | € 85,00 | per month | € 9,81 |
price per class | |||
single reformer class | € 22,50 | per strippenkaart | € 22,50 |
5 reformer classes in 7 weeks | € 107,50 | per strippenkaart | € 21,50 |
10 reformer classes in 14 weeks | € 210,00 | per strippenkaart | € 21,00 |
10 reformer classes in 7 weeks | € 200,00 | per strippenkaart | € 20,00 |
reformer subscription 3 months (1x per week) | € 85,00 | per month | € 19,62 |
reformer subscription 6 months (1x per week) | € 82,50 | per month | € 19,04 |
reformer subscription 12 months (1x per week) | € 80,00 | per month | € 18,46 |
reformer subscription 3 months (2x per week) | € 160,00 | per month | € 18,46 |
reformer subscription 6 months (2x per week) | € 157,50 | per month | € 18,17 |
reformer subscription 12 months (2x per week) | € 155,00 | per month | € 17,88 |